Talent Pathways Initiative
The Talent Pathways Initiative (TPI) is a strategic approach to managing the flow of talent into an organization. It involves developing partnerships with education providers, workforce development organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure a reliable supply of skilled workers.
The first step in the process includes interviews with business leaders, surveys, and roundtables.
The Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board is holding Roundtable events focusing on the Region’s Information Technology, Manufacturing and Logistics, and Aquaculture industries.
GOVA6-BCWDB Talent Pathways Initiative Report
While economic explanations for labor shortages are debated, regional economies such as GO Virginia Region 6 experience the “real world” challenges of limited economic growth due to the lack of workers needed for key industries. Thus, this GO Virginia Region 6 Talent Pathways Report is designed to conduct an analysis of the demand for, and supply of, labor in key sectors, understand the workforce needs of regional businesses, and identify the skills and training needed to match workers more effectively to jobs. To support the strategic vision of GO Virginia throughout the state, and in Region 6 specifically, the Talent Pathways Initiative has been undertaken to develop foundational baselines and understanding of the employment and education picture of key industries driving economic growth. While GO Virginia Region 6 has six (6) priority economic clusters, for its Talent Pathways Initiative, three regional priority clusters were chosen for examination and strategic understanding based upon growth potential in the region:
- Aquaculture in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula sub-regions
- Information Technology in the greater Fredericksburg sub-region
- Manufacturing throughout the Region 6 area
Through an examination of regional economic assets and the development of a labor market situational analysis centered on these three priority clusters, this Talent Pathways Initiative Report offers Strategic Recommendations that serve as a barometer for activities to undertake going forward. Importantly, this report serves as a roadmap for workforce, economic development, educators, and elected officials to develop initiatives and focus resources that address critical opportunities for supporting job and economic growth in the region.