We are thankful for and proud of the contributions that our board members make in our region. Learn who they are.
Our Executive Committee will consist of the Chairs of each of the committees and the LWDB Officers. It will set the legislative agenda for the LWDB, provide guidance, recommendations regarding the budget for the workforce development area, resolve any conflicts in recommendations between committees before any recommendation is made to the LWDB, address issues not assigned to any specific committee. It will review and approve items for inclusion of items for the LWDB agenda prior to LWDB meetings.
Our One-Stop Committee will oversee MOU negotiations, and implementation of the agreements reached in the MOU. It will make recommendations to the LWDB regarding the WIOA adult priorities, definitions of self-sufficiency and attachment to the labor force for dislocated workers, additional core and intensive services not specified in WIOA but determined as needed in the local area, amounts and types of support services to be available to customers, will establish one stop certification criteria for full services, satellite, affiliate and networked one stop centers. Together with the elected officials, it will set criteria for inclusion of optional one stop partners in the one stop locations. It will oversee the consortium agreement between the agencies serving as the one stop operator.
Our Labor Market Committee will make recommendations to the LWDB regarding employer services, localization of labor market information, approval of courses of training based upon labor market information, approval of courses of training based upon labor market information for which ITAs will be granted. It will be responsible for the development of a marketing and public relations strategy. It will make recommendations regarding exceptions to ITAs such as for OJT and Customized Training and such other exceptions as are allowed under WIOA and an appropriate for the local area. It will make recommendations regarding fee for service activities.
Will be responsible for fiscal and qualitative oversight, including continuous improvement, monitoring, performance standards, audit, quality services, customer satisfaction surveys, monitor fee for service activities, recommendations regarding continued certification, termination of the one stop operator together with the Local Elected Officials.
Our Board Development Committee will serve as the liaison with local governments for appointments to the Bay WIB and ensures that the Board meets state certification requirements annually. The Board Development Committee is responsible for compliance with Policy 99-2 – Establishment of Local Workforce Development Boards. The Committee is also responsible for acclimating new board members. The Committee will recruit new board members and provide orientation for new members. The Committee will review and recommend changes in the By-Laws as appropriate.
A convener for the establishment of community wide youth strategies. Will coordinate program services to leverage funds so as to be able to provide all youth with services as appropriate and to eliminate overlap and duplication. Will make recommendations to the LWDB with respect to the type and mix of youth services and the selection of youth providers based upon competitive requests for proposals.