Virginia Career Works Centers

One-Stop programs promote individual responsibility and personal decision-making through the use of Individual Training Accounts (ITA) which allow adult participants to purchase the training they determine best for them. This market-driven system will enable customers to get the skills and credentials they need to succeed in the local labor markets. Career Works Centers provide participants with a list of eligible training providers and information about how well those providers perform. Payment for services will be arranged through the ITAs.


Services for adults and dislocated workers will be provided through the One-Stop Centers. WIOA authorizes Career and Training Services.

Career services, available to adults and dislocated workers, include the following:

  • Job search and placement assistance
  • Labor Market Information
  • Initial assessment of skills and needs
  • Information about available services
  • Follow-up services (to help participants keep their jobs once they are placed)
  • Career services can include more comprehensive assessments, development of individual employment plans, group and individual counseling, case management, and short-term pre-vocational services.

Training services are available to participants who are not able to find jobs through career services. Training services are directly linked to job opportunities in the area. These services may include occupational skills training, on-the-job training, entrepreneurial training, skill upgrading, job readiness training, and adult education and literacy activities.