The Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board, was formed by sixteen jurisdictions (Accomack, Caroline, Essex, Fredericksburg City, King George, King & Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Workforce Development Board administers the federally funded employment & training programs which serve adults and youth from low income family (economically disadvantaged) and other eligible workers who have lost their jobs. The Workforce Development Area supports public/private partnerships involving local government, business and industry, labor, education and training institutions, employment services, and community support organizations.
Members on the Workforce Development Board are appointed by local elected officials to guide and oversee employment and training programs. Membership includes representation from business, education, organized labor, rehabilitation services, community-based organizations, Economic Development Authorities, and public employment services.
The Youth Council is appointed by the Workforce Development Board to guide and oversee the youth programs.
The staff of the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board, is comprised of well trained workforce development professionals. It is their task to implement the policies and programs that the Board authorizes.
For more information please call 804-333-4048.
The Executive Committee (EC) shall be composed of the Board Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer, Member-at-Large, and the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees and the Youth Council. The Board Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will serve as the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the EC. The EC shall plan, coordinate and expedite the work of the Board, review and endorse grant submissions, and may take action, when necessary, between Board meetings. The EC exercises the full authority and power of the Board, to the extent permitted by law. The EC will make recommendations regarding the budget, budget modification, and funds transfer requests for the Workforce Development Area, resolve any conflicts in recommendations between committees before any recommendation is made to the Board, and address issues not assigned to any specific committee. The EC reviews all action items from the standing committees and recommends action to the full Board.
The Policy & Strategic Planning Committee (PSPC) will articulate the Board’s vision and goals for the region’s Workforce Development System, a coordinated approach to workforce development that builds connectivity between employers, education, employees, and job seekers. The PSPC provides guidance and best practices to ensure the education, employers, and job seekers needs are satisfied. The PSPC provides analysis of economic and workforce development activities regarding any targeted populations. The PSPC provides coordination with regional and local Economic Development Plan. The PSPC develops goals for the workforce system and evaluated organization and community performance related to strategic objectives. The PSPC provides guidance and oversight of the development of polices to support equity and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing efforts. The PSPC reviews and provides guidance on all policies before presented to the Board.
The Communications Committee (CC) oversees the development and implementation of communications for the Board and the Workforce Development System to bring awareness of the resources provided to employers, job seekers, and stakeholders. The CC provides assistance with development of a Communications Plan for Board and Workforce Development System.
The Operations and Performance Committee (OPC) provides information and assists with the operations of the One-Stop Delivery System. The OPC provides information, assists with planning, and operational issues to the delivery of Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker Services. The OPC provides programmatic and operational oversight and recommends programs and policy. The OPC assists with the MOU and Center Certification Process. The OPC provides guidance relating to the provision of services to ensure equal access to everyone.
The Business & Workforce Services Committee (BWSC) works with business and industry to identify their workforce needs and provide oversight for training programs and contractors. The BWSC oversees the distribution of labor market information; develops strategies to address short and long-term requirements for skills; makes recommendations to the Board regarding funding and service priorities; oversees the One-Stop Delivery System; and directs strategies for building a comprehensive, regional system for career pathways and retraining. The BWSC makes recommendations to the Board for funding and program priorities, as well as, identifies opportunities for collaboration and leveraging of resources. The BWSC provides strategic direction and oversight for Business Services provided in the Workforce Development Area by assisting with defining performance metrics of Business Services. The BWSC develops the Business Services Plan for the Workforce Development Area.
Criteria Overview
Section 107(a) of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) authorizes the Governor, in partnership with the State Board, to establish criteria for chief elected officials to use to appoint members of the local boards. The following table provides the composition requirements for membership on Local Workforce Development Boards which are stipulated in Section 107(b)(2) of WIOA and the criteria developed by the Governor.
A. Nomination & Selection Process:
The Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board, on behalf of the Chief Local Elected Officials of the jurisdictions of Accomack, Caroline, Essex, Fredericksburg City, King George, King & Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland, from time to time may contact the appropriate entities in the region for nominations to appoint members and/or to fill vacancies on the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board, based on the process below. Vacancies will be filled in the same manner as original appointments.
Private sector representatives will be selected from among individuals nominated by local business organizations (i.e. Chambers of Commerce, Trade Associations or Economic Development organizations). Individual businesses may also nominate themselves or provide nominations of other businesses to the Chief Local Elected Officials. Private sector representatives can include owners of businesses, chief executives or operating officers of businesses, and other business executives with optimum policy making or hiring authority. They must be from the local high demand industries including Healthcare, Logistics, Information Technology or Advanced Manufacturing (or related industries).
Local educational entity representatives will be selected from among individuals nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entities including local school boards, entities providing vocational education, entities providing secondary adult education and literacy activities, and postsecondary educational institutions (including representatives of community colleges).
Labor representatives will be selected from among individuals nominated by local labor federations or other employee organizations and/or the state AFL‐CIO.
For all other members, appropriate groups in the local area will be consulted for possible individuals to serve including representatives of community-based organizations and economic development agencies.
For more information or to submit nominations, contact
B. Public Participation
The Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board, on behalf of the Chief Local Elected Officials of the jurisdictions of Accomack, Caroline, Essex, Fredericksburg City, King George, King & Queen, King William, Lancaster, Mathews, Middlesex, Northampton, Northumberland, Richmond, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and Westmoreland, will provide public notice on the Bay Consortium Workforce Development Board website of the intent to solicit nominations for board membership.